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7:00 am - 10:30 am
Durres Amphitheatre

Surely one of the greatest pieces of ancient architecture in Albania, if not the Balkans, the Durres Amphitheatre was built in 100AD by Hadrian and was only rediscovered in the 1960s. It was used for about 300 years and back then it could as many as 20,000 spectators.

7:00 am - 10:30 am
Durres Castle

This monument consists of a single tower and wall, and is referred to in many guides as the Venetian Tower. It dates way back to the 400s, during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius. The Castle has been reinforced by the Venetians just before the city’s conquest by the Ottomans.

7:00 am - 10:30 am
Durres Beach

Albania’s most popular destination for a day by the sea, Durres Beach stretches out for more than ten kilometres along the city’s waterfront. The urban part of the beach is crazy in the summer, when it’s packed with people from all walks of life. There are all manner of things going on, from games of table football to water sports events.

7:00 am - 10:30 am
Royal Villa of Durres
The Albanian monarchy, which lasted from 1928-1939, has been defunct for more than seven decades, but this building in top of a hill in Durres stands as an interesting reminder of this era. It was built for King Zog I, who only got to enjoy the residence for a year.
7:00 am - 10:30 am
Archaeological Museum
The largest archaeological museum in Albania, here you can see what all the different civilizations that settled this region left behind. It’s just a few steps from the waterfront and was established in 1951, with collections that cover every period from the Ancient Illyrian culture etc.
7:00 am - 10:30 am
Byzantine Forum
At the heart of Durres is the modest collection of colonnades that made up Macellum’s forum after the Roman era. It dates between the 600s and the 800s and is paved with excavated marble stones.At one time there would have been a statue at the center of the plaza for each the Byzantine emperor .
7:00 am - 10:30 am
Durres Mosques
There are two impressive mosques to track down in Durres, as Albania’s relationship with religion was disrupted during communist times, and each place of worship has its own story. The Great Mosque is the younger of the two, having been built by King Zog I.It was closed down during communism.
7:00 am - 10:30 am
Rodoni Castle
For an adventurous day out follow the coastal road north to this fortress in a photogenic setting at the end of a rugged peninsula. When the famous castle at Krujë withstood its first attack from the Ottomans, Albania’s feudal lords took the opportunity to bolster the region’s coastal defenses.The castle was destroyed by Ottoman forces in 1467 but, in 1500 the castle was rebuilt.